Apply for Resuming Citizenship

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This application is for a person who was previously a Canadian citizen, other than a person whose citizenship was revoked, and who wishes to resume citizenship under subsection 11(1) of the Citizenship Act.

Who can apply to resume their Canadian citizenship?

To qualify to resume your Canadian citizenship you must:

  • Have been a Canadian citizen.
  • Have lost your Canadian citizenship by means other than revocation.
  • Not be under a removal order (asked by Canadian officials to leave Canada).
  • Have become a permanent resident of Canada after the loss of your Canadian citizenship.
  • Not have any unfulfilled immigration conditions linked to your permanent resident status.
  • Have been physically present in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 365 days during the two (2) years immediately before you apply.
  • Have met any applicable requirement under the Income Tax Act to file income taxes for the taxation year immediately before the year in which you are applying for citizenship; and not be subject to any prohibition under the Citizenship Act (see Section 9 of the application).